Can anyone access my bank account without my permission?

Can anyone access my bank account without my permission?

YES. Bankers are maintaining the account and they can access any of accounts under them at any time for whatsoever may be the reason(s). They do not need permission from customer for accessing the account. If any customer challenges this, the only option for Bank will be to close the account.

Can the IRS see my bank account?

Bank deposit analysis: The IRS will request all your bank account deposit activity to determine the sources of these deposits and whether this income was properly reported. Information statement matching: The IRS receives copies of income-reporting statements (such as forms 1099, W-2, K-1, etc.) sent to you.

Can someone check my bank balance?

While many banks no longer allow for this, some banks will still provide general amount account balance amount information to people that simply call and request it. For example, if someone knows your checking account information, they can call the bank to verify funds on a check — even if no check actually exists.