Can you runaway at 17 in Oregon?

Can you runaway at 17 in Oregon?

The police will unlikely come to the rescue to force your child, who voluntarily ran away, to return to your home, unless your teenager is in danger. This means that any child that is 17 years old or older will not suffer legal consequences, if they runaway from home.

How can I move out at 17?

For it to be legal to move out at 17 (or 16 for that matter), the emancipation of a minor, a court must generally confirm the child has enough adult-like maturity to be on his or her own. Financial independence. In general, children must prove they can support themselves in order to get emancipated.

Can your parents make you come home at 17?

However, they are still underage and are expected to follow the rules of the house. For lots of youth, waiting until their 18th birthday to move out on their own can seem like too much. Moving out at 17 is also a complicated issue. In general, a youth must be 18 to legally move out without a parent’s permission.