How can I find my divorce decree OnLine?

How can I find my divorce decree OnLine?

Marriage or divorce records Marriage certificates and divorce decrees are not available online. To request a certified copy of a marriage certificate or divorce decree, contact the clerk’s office in the county where the marriage occurred.

What happens if my husband does not respond to divorce papers?

If you ex still refuses to respond, you can show the Court your Process Server certificate to prove that your ex knows about the divorce and has been properly served with the divorce papers. The Court should then allow the divorce process to move forward, once you have made an application for Deemed Service.

What do I do if my husband ignores the divorce petition?

If you believe the respondent has received the petition but is ignoring it, you can apply to the court for “deemed service”. If the court issues such as an order, it treats the petition as having been served and you can proceed with the next steps in the divorce.