How do I file for divorce in Portland Oregon?

How do I file for divorce in Portland Oregon?

A sole petitioner can file for divorce in Oregon without the knowledge or consent of his/her spouse. A sole petitioner files a petition for dissolution and the spouse is served with the divorce papers (a summons and petition). The spouse (the respondent) must file a response within 30 days.

Can you hide money before divorce?

Hiding assets during a divorce is sneaky, unethical and illegal – and it happens much more frequently than most women suspect. Many couples have complex financial portfolios. Not only can this be used to help determine alimony and child support, but it also serves as a tool to help detect hidden assets or income.

Will my wife regret divorcing me?

That was many moons ago, and regret statistics are hard to come by. But more recent studies confirm that, indeed, between 32% and 50% of people do regret having made the move. These people wish they had worked harder at their relationships and stayed married. The exact percentages depend on who did the studies.