How do I get my ex to pay alimony?

How do I get my ex to pay alimony?

Hire an alimony attorney or file a claim on your own with the appropriate legal paperwork. Contact your local court or go online to locate the right documents. Ask a judge to order your spouse to make the payments and keep up with payments in the future. The courts call this a motion for contempt or enforcement.

How can I win my divorce case?

But, if you are in a situation where you feel you need to win your divorce case, here are some tips to make that happen.Assemble a Great Team. Gather Your Assets. Stay in the Marital Home. Be Mindful of What You Say, Text Message, or Post Online. Be Smart, Not Emotional.

How does a business get split in a divorce?

What Happens To Business After A Divorce? When dividing property in family law, all assets and liabilities of each partner are combined to form the “matrimonial asset pool”. This pool is then divided between the two parties.

Is your wife entitled to half?

In this case your wife is entitled to a minimum of one-third of the full value of your estate on the basis that there are children and/or grandchildren around. If there had been no children or grandchildren she would have been entitled to a half of all your wealth.