How does divorce affect you mentally?

How does divorce affect you mentally?

For some, the common feelings of anger, resentment, confusion, fear, shame, and anxiety during and after divorce take up permanent residency in your emotional makeup and wreak havoc on both your mental and physical health. This can be the case even if you were the one who chose to leave the marriage.

Is bipolar grounds for divorce?

It is suggested that about 90 percent of marriages where one person is bipolar ends in divorce (Marano, 2003). Persons diagnosed with bipolar disorder appear to be more likely to divorce than those without the disorder (Walid & Zaytseva, 2011).

Is depression grounds for divorce?

Temporary mental illness like depression can’t be a ground for divorce: HC. Depression, temporary phase of mood swings or mere unsound mind cannot be a ground for divorce , it should be an incurably unsound mind or a mental condition like schizophrenia , the Karnataka High Court has ruled.

How can I prove my mentally cruelty to my wife?

Strengthen your oral or written evidences with instances of mental cruelty like continuous non – cohabitation or denying physical relationship, verbal and physical abuses, arrogant behaviour, incompatible or ever increasing difference of opinion aggravating the domestic relationship.