How long do you have to wait to modify custody?

How long do you have to wait to modify custody?

Generally, it is considered to be better for the child to have as much consistency as possible. For this reason, among others, most courts will not make a change within a set time frame of the creation of the original custody agreement. This “waiting period” varies by state, but between one and two years is common.

Can you change a custody agreement without going to court?

If you want to make changes to the order and you both agree on those changes, then you should make a consent order. If you don’t follow the court order, and instead come up with a new agreement, you can’t enforce that agreement in court.

How hard is it to change a custody agreement?

At what age can a child choose which parent to live with in WV?

West Virginia custody laws generally consider the preferences of children 14 and older to be well-reasoned and sufficiently mature. Children younger than 14 can have their preferences heard as well, but it will be up to a judge to decide how much weight to give a younger child’s preference.