Is spouse responsible for credit card debt after divorce?

Is spouse responsible for credit card debt after divorce?

In California, a community property state, creditors can hold both spouses liable for debt incurred individually during a marriage. This means that any debt incurred by both spouses during a marriage, separation, or after the divorce is their responsibility.

Is credit card debt considered marital property?

There are nuances from state to state, but generally speaking, anything purchased during the marriage is community property. So anything owed as a result of those purchases –mortgages, auto loans, credit card debt – is community property.

Is one spouse responsible for debts of other?

Since California is a community property state, the law applies that the community estate shared between both individuals is liable for a debt incurred by either spouse during the marriage. All community property shared equally between husband and wife can be held liable for repaying the debts of one spouse.

Can you sue a private investigator for invasion of privacy?

If the PI did commit a crime or harmed someone in the process of his or her investigation, it is possible to pursue a lawsuit against him or her. Using fraud to garner details or steal information is one way that the target may have legal options.

How do you get a PI to stop following you?

REACTIONS TO BEING FOLLOWED BY A PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR Stop and make an obvious gesture as if they know they are being followed. Stop their vehicle in a random location (like the side of the freeway) Follow the investigator. Attack the investigator.

Can a private investigator take pictures of you in your home?

Inside a home, the person has an expectation of privacy, so private investigators cannot take photos through the windows into the home. They also, in many places, cannot take photos of someone in their backyard or in any other place where they could reasonably expect to have privacy.

What is the difference between private investigator and detective?

A detective is usually a police officer. A private investigator does not have the authority of police power and operates under the powers of an ordinary citizen. A private investigator a private detective, or inquiry agent, is a person who can be hired by individuals or groups to undertake investigatory law services.

What databases do private investigators use?

The major players in the investigative database & information broker world, still catering to private investigators and independent skip tracers, include (in no particular order) IRB Search, Accurint, Merlin Information, Tracers Info, IQ Data, MasterFiles, PublicData and several others.

Who hires a private investigator?

Surveillance Investigators are typically hired by: Individuals who need help with harassment, infidelity issues, child support matters or issues related to drug, alcohol or gambling addictions. Solicitors, lawyers, financiers and insurers to help them gather information in regards to a civil case.