What age can a child say who they want to live with?

What age can a child say who they want to live with?

While no law permits the child to choose their custody status, most California courts believe 14 years of age is old enough to express themselves and the reasons why they prefer one parent over the other.

Can a 13 year old decide who they want to live with?

13 ANSWERS The child can not dictate who he or she will live with. You will need to have your child’s preferences considered through a Guardian ad Litem.

Can a 17 year old decide where they want to live?

Parents often want to know at what age a child can decide whom to live with. The answer is simply: according to the law, eighteen. In some cases, police will tell parents that after they are 17, they are no longer under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court and can’t be made to comply with a judgment.

Can a teenager choose which parent to live with?

Most states do not specify an age at which a child can choose which parent he or she lives with after a divorce. Instead, the majority of states allows a judge to consider a child’s reasonable preferences for living arrangements when making custody decisions.

How old does a child have to be to choose who they want to live with in Alabama?

14 years

Can a child divorce one parent?

A minor generally cannot become emancipated from just one parent unless there is only one parent, such as when one of the minor’s parents has died, or has terminated their parental rights. Emancipation of a minor terminates all parental custodial rights, which in turn makes that minor an adult for legal purposes.

Can a child be forced to see a parent?

If the court has made an order for contact, it will expect the resident parent to encourage the child to have contact and ensure that it takes place. However, the child may simply refuse to have contact with the non-resident parent. It is possible that the non-resident parent will take the case to court.

When parents split up who gets custody?

How do you reconcile child custody during separation? Simply put, both before and during the divorce process, both the father and mother have the same legal rights regarding the custody of the child until one or the other either foregoes or is denied full custody.

What do I do if my child refuses to visit the father?

Specifically, you could ask your child’s other parent to call the child on the phone or come over to your house and try to speak with the child who is refusing visits. This helps the other parent understand the situation and places some obligation on their part to facilitate visits.

What do I do if visitation is truly harming my child?

If your ex harms or threatens to harm you or your children, you can request a protective order, sometimes called a restraining order. You can file for a protective order at the courthouse handling your case (or your nearest family court).

Who has more rights over a child when married?

The Father has essentially no rights unless and until paternity has been established and he goes to Court for a Court Order regarding parenting time. When a couple is married, both parents are considered the custodial parent and legal guardian at all times, until a Court says otherwise.

Can a father take child from mother?

If you have sole physical custody, also known as, the primary custodial parent, you can take your child away from the mother. However, if you do not have primary custody, it can be virtually impossible to take the child away from the mother.