What do I do if my ex is not following court order?

What do I do if my ex is not following court order?

If the court finds that there has been a breach of the court orders and there is no reasonable excuse, it may impose a remedy….If your former partner is not complying with parenting orders, you may consider one of the following options:Attend family dispute resolution;Apply to the court; or.Seek legal advice.

What to do if a parent is not following a parenting plan?

If the other person has not followed a parenting order, the following options are available:attend dispute resolution.attend dispute resolution.getting legal advice, and.apply to the court for orders.apply to the court for orders.

How do you deal with an uncooperative parent?

How To Handle An Uncooperative Co-ParentPreemptively Address Issues. Set Emotional Boundaries. Let Go of What You Can’t Control. Use Non-Combative Language. Stick to Your Commitments. Know Their Triggers. Encourage a Healthy Relationship with the Kids. Avoid Direct Contact with the Uncooperative Co-Parent.

Will police enforce a custody order?

Note that the state police have no power about parenting orders unless a recovery order has been issued. If you know where your child is and are concerned about their safety, you can request the police to a welfare check.