What documents do I need for green card renewal?

What documents do I need for green card renewal?

To renew your green card, provide a copy of your current permanent resident card. To replace your green card because it was lost, stolen, destroyed or mutilated, provide a copy of your current green card, passport, driver’s license, military ID or other government-issued ID.

Why would a green card renewal be denied?

You Provided Incorrect Information or Intentionally Lied on Your Renewal Application (I-90 Denial) The USCIS receives nearly 500,000 applications every year for green card renewals. Furthermore, if you made a mistake that the USCIS concludes was intentional, then it will not award you with green card renewal.

How long does it take to process an I 90 form?

8 to 10 months

How long does it take to get a response after Biometrics?

Many people expect to receive a response or next steps from the USCIS within a few weeks of their biometrics appointment. Unfortunately, the wait will be much longer than this. Typically, it can take anything between 5 and 10 months before you get a notice for your green card interview, for example.

Does biometrics mean approval?

If I’m asked to give my biometrics, does that mean my application is approved? No. Giving your biometrics is one of the steps you need to do before we can process your application. Once you give us your biometrics, we’ll use them to assess your application.