What does sole legal custody mean in Oregon?

What does sole legal custody mean in Oregon?

Sole legal custody in Oregon means that the custodial parent makes all major decisions regarding the child. These major decisions may include the child’s religious and educational training, health care and where the child’s primary residence is.

Can you lose custody for being unemployed?

Yes, you can have custody without a job. If your primary job was to care for your child during the marriage, you would be entitled to spousal support and child support to assist you in raising your child.

What is the difference between primary and sole custody?

In a primary physical custody case, both parents may have rights to make decisions in regards to the children’s welfare, such as decisions relating to religion, medical care and education. Sole Custody: The custodial parent will have the right and the sole responsibility to make all the decisions for the children.

Is full custody and sole custody the same?

In almost all example, full custody and sole custody mean the same thing. In most states, full custody is not a term that has legal significance. In other words, full custody is a term uses by lay persons to likely refer to what is really sole custody. In Texas, for example, a parent doesn’t have child custody.

Can I stop my ex from moving away with my child?

One parent does have the right to try and stop the other from moving and may seek a court order from the court to prevent it from happening. Such an order would prevent the child from being moved until the court has considered the case.