How do I file a fault divorce in PA?

How do I file a fault divorce in PA?

Grounds for a fault divorce include:Desertion, with absence from the home of the other spouse without reason, for at least one year.Adultery.Cruel treatment or the endangerment of the life or health of the other spouse.Bigamy.Other indignities that make the life of the other spouse intolerable.

What constitutes separation in PA?

According to Pennsylvania Divorce Code, the date of separation is the date upon which the parties are living separate and apart. By definition separate and apart is the cessation of cohabitation, whether living in the same residence or not.

How long do you have to be married in PA to get spousal support?

How long do you have to be married to receive alimony? There’s no minimum length of time that a spouse has to be married in order for alimony to apply. While the length of the marriage is an important factor in the alimony statute, it’s one of 17 factors that the court will consider.