How do i find divorce records in CT?

How do i find divorce records in CT?

To obtain a copy of a Divorce Decree or Dissolution of Civil Union Decree, contact the CT Superior Court where the divorce or dissolution was granted. Please contact the appropriate court for applicable fees and requirements: Directory of Connecticut Superior Courts.

How can you look up someone’s record?

Luckily, most court information is public record. To find it, go to your state’s official government website or find the information you need at the National Center for State Courts. Make sure you search every state that the person you’re checking has lived in.

How do I look up a court case in CT?

You may also call the Centralized Services Unit at All requests for files must include the name of the case and docket number. Docket numbers may be available on-line at by utilizing the case look-up function. Files should be available within one or two business days.

Can you look up restraining orders in CT?

The Judicial Branch’s Protection Order Registry (POR) is an integrated database and notification system for orders of individual protection issued or registered with state authorities. The POR is programmed to automatically enter protection order records in COLLECT’s Protection Order File (File 20).

How long does a restraining order last in CT?

one year

How long does a divorce take in CT?

30 to 90 days

What is a Class C felony in CT?

Class C Felony Class C felonies are one step below Class B. A Class C felony conviction can result in a prison sentence ranging from one to 10 years and additional fines up to $10,000. An example of a Class C felony is intimidating a witness. (Connecticut General Statute § § 53a-35a, 53a-41.)

Is felony c bad?

A class C felony is the least serious, but it still may be punished by no less than a year in jail and up to 10 years. If you have a previous felony conviction, a class C felony can result in no less than two years and up to 20 years in prison. Fines can be up to $15,000.

Can you get a Class C felony expunged?

You cannot have any misdemeanor or felony convictions on your record for the five years before you apply for expungement. Use this chart if you were convicted of Class D felonies (Class A, B, and C felonies are not eligible).

How bad is a Class D felony?

A class D felony is one of the less serious types of felonies. However, this crime is still a felony and has serious potential punishments, including a long jail sentence, heavy fines and strict terms on probation. In most cases, a conviction for a class D felony will stay on your record permanently.

What is the lowest grade felony?

Class 1 felonies generally carry steep penalties, such as lengthy jail terms and exorbitant criminal fines. In comparison, a Class 4 felony is the lowest ranked felony group, often the next level up from misdemeanor crimes. While a Class 4 felony is a serious offense, it is not as serious as a Class 1 or 2 felony.

What’s the worst felony?

Class A felonies (or level 1 felonies) are the most serious of crimes. Examples of class A felonies can include: first degree murder, rape and kidnapping. Because these types of crimes are considered to be the worst of the worst; the most severe penalties are imposed for class A (level 1) felonies.