How long does it take to get a divorce in Rhode Island?

How long does it take to get a divorce in Rhode Island?

75 days

Is Rhode Island a 50/50 divorce state?

The State of Rhode Island is not a 50/50, or community property, state. It is what’s known as an equitable distribution state. So, when a Rhode Island court rules on the allocation of assets, they are not necessarily divided equally between the two parties.

How much does a divorce cost in RI?

If a case is truly uncontested, with no children and no assets to divide, a divorce will cost around $600.00 plus costs ( filing fee to clerk of $120.00 and cost to have other spouse served which is usually about $40).

Does it matter who files for divorce first in RI?

Filing first is the safest way to ensure that your spouse cannot play games with your assets. Typically, the state of jurisdiction for the divorce proceedings is the state where the filing of the divorce complaint occurs. State laws vary when it comes to community property, alimony, child custody, and visitation.

Is there alimony in Rhode Island?

Alimony is payments that one spouse may be ordered to pay another spouse for support as a result of a divorce. In Rhode Island Divorce, some spouses qualify for alimony from the other spouse. Temporary Alimony may be awarded by the Rhode Island Family Court towards the beginning of the RI divorce.

What are the divorce laws in Rhode Island?

Rhode Island is a no-fault divorce state. This means that a fault ground is not required to obtain a divorce in RI. In order to get a divorce in Rhode Island, there must only be irreconcilable differences which have caused the irremediable breakdown of the marriage.

What does child support Cover RI?

Housing, such as payment to support rent. Basic food, which may cover grocery expenses. Basic clothing, non-luxury clothing items for day-to-day wear. Regular transportation, including gas expenses, in certain cases.

What is the meaning of irreconcilable differences?

“Irreconcilable differences” technically means that an individual and their spouse cannot get along with one another enough to keep the marriage alive, and this lack of getting along can cause a whole array of other issues in the marriage.