What is Pennsylvania original process?

What is Pennsylvania original process?

Service of original process is a matter prescribed by the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure for actions instituted in the First Judicial District against a defendant located in the First Judicial District, as is the case here.

Can you refuse to accept service of process?

In family law matters, the person to serve documents must not be the party on whose behalf the documents are served (Federal Circuit Court Rule 6.07). This means that even if you have a good relationship with your ex and they are expecting the documents, you cannot serve documents on them yourself.

Who can serve papers in PA?

Person to Make Service. (a) Except as provided in subdivisions (b) and (c) and in Rules 400..4, original process shall be served within the Commonwealth only by the sheriff.

What happens if you can’t locate someone to serve them?

if you absolutely cannot get the person served the regular way, you need to file a motion with the court to allow you to publish in the city or county of the last known residence of the person you are trying to serve. It will cost a little and you might need a lawyer to get you through this part.

Who can serve divorce papers in PA?

But those same rules just as clearly allow any competent adult person (18 years of age or older) to serve divorce papers. Hold on now. There are exceptions. The plaintiff may not serve the defendant and vice-versa.