What percentage of couples stay together after one cheats?

What percentage of couples stay together after one cheats?

That might mean more couples are overcoming it when it happens. Marriage and family therapist Gabrielle Applebury wrote that “adultery is no longer a deal breaker in many marriages,” and that “70 percent of couples actually stay together after an affair is discovered.”

Should you stay with a man who cheats?

When love is healthy there’s no fear of losing someone. There is no fear of him cheating on you. You shouldn’t stay with someone who has little or no commitment to your relationship. You should only invest your love in someone who can truly return the love you invest in them.

How do you stay with someone who cheated on you?

Your Partner Cheated, but You Decided to Stay—Here’s What to Do NextFocus inward. One of the best ways to ensure you’re making the right decision is to spend time focusing on self-love and self-inquiry. Control the conversation. Set boundaries.

How do you know he won’t cheat again?

If he’s happy for you to see, or even check, his phone, then that’s a good sign he’s not going to cheat. He goes out of his way to reassure you. If he wants this to work, he’ll help you through it, however you need him to. He makes an effort…but doesn’t complain if you aren’t ready for grand gestures yet.