How do I write a letter requesting to reduce my hours at work?

How do I write a letter requesting to reduce my hours at work?

How to write letter of reduce hours to employees

  1. Indicate the employee is aware of the development and you have had a discussion about it.
  2. Explain the reduction in hours—and when this will start.
  3. Explain if this will have any result on their wage.
  4. Indicate if it’s a permanent or temporary development.

How do I write a letter requesting change from fulltime to part time?

Dear HR person’s Name, I have been employed as the [Job Title] with [Company Name] for 10 years. I am currently planning to [reason for request for part time] begin attending school to obtain my degree in business administration. Due to this decision, I will need to decrease my hours from fulltime to part time.

Can my employer refuse my request work part time?

Your employer can reject a non-statutory request for any reason. It’s good practice to allow you to discuss it with them. If they don’t, you could raise a grievance if, for example, you don’t think they followed their own procedure correctly.

How do you negotiate going part time?

“How do you negotiate going part-time?”

  1. It’s about your manager and your team.
  2. It should be about results.
  3. Be clear about what part-time means.
  4. Start with an informal chat.
  5. Ask clearly and follow policy.
  6. Think about the other conditions of employment that will change.
  7. Create a proposal that works for you both.

How can I survive without working?

Here’s How I Make a Good Living Without Working Full Time

  1. Control Your Expenses. If you want to avoid jobs, it helps to be a bit frugal.
  2. Diversify Your Income.
  3. Always Have Money in the Bank.
  4. Keep Looking for New Sources of Income.
  5. Consider “Employment Projects”
  6. Have Only Good Debt.
  7. Plan for Changes.

Why is it better to work part time?

Part-time jobs can reduce the amount of stress that you’re under because you may not be given the same level of responsibility and you’re able to create a better work/life balance. You’re working less, so you can enjoy your venture without having to carry work around with you all day (or every day).

Can I work 16 hours a week and claim universal credit?

Universal Credit tops up your earnings When you start work, the amount of Universal Credit you get will gradually reduce as you earn more. But unlike Jobseeker’s Allowance, your payment won’t stop just because you work more than 16 hours a week.

Is it OK to work part time?

Working part-time is ideal for family-oriented individuals – especially those who value the opportunity to pick up their young children from school. Part-time workers enjoy increased free time in which to pursue extracurricular activities.

What are the disadvantages of working part time?


  • Less time for homework. Working students may not have or make the time to complete their work.
  • Higher rates of absenteeism and less school involvement.
  • Lower grades in school.
  • More likely to use drugs and alcohol.
  • Development of negative views of work itself.
  • Increased stress.

Why do companies hire part time instead of full-time?

The benefit of hiring part-time employees is twofold. Firstly, it’s less expensive to pay for fewer hours of work, and a lean but efficient workforce is essential for those living close to the balance sheet. Second, paying for fewer hours of work overall may make it affordable to hire more experienced professionals.

How many hours a day is part time?

Work Hours

# of hours per day # of hours per week
Full time jobs 8 hours per day or more 40 hours per week (or more)
Part time jobs The average is 4 hours per day Less than 40 hours per week

How many days a week is full time?

five eight

What does a part time job schedule look like?

Part-time work often does not include benefits offered to full-time employees, and hours can be erratic and inconsistent from week to week. An example of a part-time work schedule could be Monday through Wednesday from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM and Saturday and Sunday 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM.