How do you find the percentage of three numbers?

How do you find the percentage of three numbers?

Another example of converting a decimal to a percentage is 0.03 x 100 = 3% or 3 percent. However, if you are required to convert 3/20 to a percentage, you should divide 3 by 20 = 0.15. Then multiply 0.15 by 100 = 15% or 15 percent.

How do you find the sum or difference?

The sum will be the result of adding numbers, while the difference will be the result of subtracting them. For instance, in the math problem 4 + 3 – 5, the sum of 4 and 3 will be 7, and the difference between 7 and 5 will be 2.

What two numbers have a sum of 25 and difference of 3?

✔✔ Hence, the numbers are 14 and 11 ✅✅ .

What two numbers have a sum of 17 and a difference of 3?

10 and 7 have a sum of 17 and a difference of 3.

What has a sum of 18 and a difference of 6?

“THE SUM OF two numbers is 18 and the difference is 6”. So x+y = 18 and x-y = 6. Algebraically, we can add those two equations to find 2x = 24, so x = 12. And then the other number must be 6.

What has a sum of 18 and a difference of 4?

They are 7 and 11. 11 + 7 = 18, 11 – 7 = 4.

What two numbers have a sum of 20 and a difference of 6?

Originally Answered: Two numbers have a difference of 6, the sum of their square is 20. What are the numbers? Answer: -4 and 2.

What two numbers have a sum of 19 and a difference of 3?

1 Expert Answer X + Y = 19 and X – Y = 3.

What two numbers have a sum of 19 and a difference of 7?

Answer: The two numbers are 13 and 6.

What two numbers have a sum of 28 and a difference of 4?

2 Answers. The numbers are 16and12.

What two numbers have a sum of 30 and a difference of 20?

1 Expert Answer Then by assumptions we have x+y=30 and x-y=20. Hence, y=x-20 and by plugging this into the first equation we obtain x+x-20=30 or 2x=50 or x=25 and y=5.

What two numbers have a sum of 30 and a difference of 6?

Answer Expert Verified The sum of two numbers is 30. Their difference is 6. Thus two equation are . Therefore the two numbers are 12 and 18 .

What two numbers have a sum of 18 and a difference of 2?

Hence, the two numbers are 8 and 10.

What 2 numbers have a sum of 30 and a difference of 10?

1 Expert Answer So the numbers are 20 and 10.

What has a sum of 35 and a difference of 15?

This simplifies to 15+2y=35 by adding the y’s. We can subtract 15 from both sides to get 2y=35-15, which is 2y=20.

What two numbers have a sum of 31 and a difference of 7?

3 Answers. Add these two equations together: 2a=38, so a=19 and b=31-19=12. The numbers are 19 and 12.

What’s the sum of 24?

Why is 60 the sum of all factors of 24, including 24? The factors of the number 24 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24. If you add them up, you will get the total of 60.

What is the sum of the prime factors of 24?

24 is also the sum of consecutive prime numbers: 11 + 13 = 24.

What is the sum of all factors of 36?

First list ALL of the factors of the number 36. The sum of all of the listed factors is 91. You are correct.

What is the sum meaning?

1 : the result obtained by adding numbers The sum of 4 and 5 is 9. 2 : a problem in arithmetic. 3 : a quantity of money We donated a small sum. 4 : the whole amount Two trips is the sum of my travel experience.