How is child support calculated in Washington state?

How is child support calculated in Washington state?

Using Washington’s Child Support Guidelines To calculate child support, use the combined net income of both parents (in other words, add your net income to the other parent’s net income) to determine the total amount of child support due.

How do I get joint custody in Washington state?

Under Washington State law, true shared custody was only possible under two circumstances: the parents had agreed to shared custody; or, the parents had a history of cooperation and shared parenting, were available to each other, lived in geographic proximity to each other, and shared custody was in the child’s best …

Who is the custodial parent in Washington State?

The child lives with the custodial parent the majority of the time. Washington State now calls this parent called the “primary residential parent.” The other parent — who generally received less time with the child and often pays child support — was the noncustodial parent.

How much does it cost to file for custody in Washington state?

File your petition and related documents with the court. You will have to pay a filing fee. As of 2019, this fee is $260. Contact the clerk’s office in the county where you’re filing to find out what methods of payment are accepted. If you can’t afford the filing fee, you may qualify for a waiver.

What is joint custody in Washington state?

Joint custody is rare in Washington but becoming more common. In essence, joint custody means each parent receives half the residential time with the child. This often takes the form of a ‘week-on, week-off’ schedule.

What rights do step parents have in Washington?

Washington State has a statute that legally obligates stepparents to help financially support any stepchildren living in their household. Especially if they cared for the children for many years, it is normal for both stepparent and stepchild to extend their emotional bond and spend time with each other.

How do I file a parenting plan in Washington state?

Filing a Petition to Change Your Parenting Plan, Residential Schedule, or Custody Order has forms and instructions. You can get it and other info online at You may also get the court forms at or ask the family law facilitator, if your county has one.

Can I leave Washington State with my child?

In Washington state, the relocating parent must provide the other parent with written notice that he or she will be moving out of state with the child at least 60 days prior to the move. If the other parent objects formally, a family law judge will hear the case in court and decide from there.

Can my ex wife move to another state with my child?

California law requires a custodial parent to provide written notice of plans to move away with a child for more than 30 days. You must submit your notice at least 45 days before the proposed move. This allows you and your former partner to negotiate a new custody or visitation agreement.