How much is the basic rate of child maintenance?

How much is the basic rate of child maintenance?

There is no basic rate for child maintenance. The amount depends on various factors, which includes the needs of the child, the income of the parents, as well as their personal expenses. There are many other factors as well. The law expects parents to contribute based on their means.

Does a clean break order affect child maintenance?

You cannot agree an entirely clean break if you have children who are eligible for child maintenance. But you can agree a clean break that covers all other financial claims between the two of you.

What is clean break divorce?

A clean break means ending the financial ties between you and your ex as soon as reasonable after your divorce or dissolution. Where there is a clean break, there will be no spousal maintenance paid. It must set out the financial arrangements and state that there is to be a clean break.

Can I apply for a clean break order yourself?

Yes, you can file a consent order with the courts yourself. In order for the Judge to grant your order, however, you must have the consent order professionally drafted by qualified solicitors. If you have agreed on the division of your financial agreement then Divorce-Online can draft this for you for just £299.

Can I get a clean break order after divorce?

When you get divorced, the decree absolute that legally ends the marriage doesn’t end the couples financial committments. A clean break order or consent order is needed in order to do this. This claim was made more than 30 years after their divorce, because no clean break order was put in place.

Can my ex wife claim my pension if I remarry?

Your basic State Pension can’t be shared if your marriage or civil partnership ends. Divorced couples can use their former spouse or civil partner’s National Insurance contributions to increase their basic State Pension. You lose these rights if you remarry or enter into another civil partnership.

Can ex wife claim my pension years after divorce?

After the divorce is over, your spouse will not have the ability to come back and try to get more of your pension plan for herself. All contributions and the value of the plan after your divorce has concluded will be a part of your separate estate and your spouse would have no ability to claim that value as her own.

Can I get a clean break order after decree absolute?

It is possible to apply for a clean break consent order at any point after the decree nisi has been granted. A consent order can also be filed after the decree absolute – but it is advisable to reach a financial settlement before divorce proceedings have concluded (ie prior to the decree absolute being issued).

Can my ex wife claim my inheritance?

Whilst going through divorce proceedings, any inheritance that may be expected in the future is not taken into consideration. However, ex-partners may still be entitled to future inheritance after a divorce is finalised if no consent order has been put in place.

Can I refuse financial disclosure?

Before any financial settlement can be reached, it is essential that parties disclose to each other their full financial disclosure. If a party refuses to provide financial disclosure, then a court can force that party to cooperate or they will be faced with financial sanctions.

Can I skip mediation and go straight to court?

You don’t have to go to mediation, but if you end up having to go to court to sort out your differences, you normally need to prove you’ve been to a mediation information and assessment meeting (MIAM). This is an introductory meeting to explain what mediation is and how it might help you.

Do I have to disclose my new partners assets?

Many people will hold strong opinions on disclosing their new partner’s financial position, and the partner themselves may refuse, but there is a duty to disclose any plans to cohabit or remarry, and to provide full and frank disclosure.

Do you have to show credit card statements in divorce?

In most cases, if you incurred the debt during the marriage, it’s a shared marital obligation no matter which spouse used the credit card. When you settle your divorce, responsibility for the debt is decided by the divorce court, usually without notice to creditors.

Can my ex wife subpoena my bank records?

If bank accounts are in your spouse’s name alone, or he or she has separate business bank accounts, your attorney can subpoena bank records. However, the information is relevant in a divorce case, and the court in most cases will order the bank comply with your request.

Can you get divorced without financial disclosure?

Can financial disclosure divorce be avoided? Financial disclosure can be avoided if parties are able to reach an agreement on the division of assets and that agreement is based on open and honest disclosure.