What are the procedures for obtaining discovery in my case?

What are the procedures for obtaining discovery in my case?

Follow these steps to begin discovery in justice court:

  1. Step 1: Prepare and exchange your initial disclosures. Within thirty days after the defendant files his answer, the plaintiff and defendant must exchange:
  2. Step 2: File the early case conference report.
  3. Step 3: Ask the court to allow more discovery if you want it.

What does a discovery mean in legal terms?

This is the formal process of exchanging information between the parties about the witnesses and evidence they’ll present at trial. Discovery enables the parties to know before the trial begins what evidence may be presented. One of the most common methods of discovery is to take depositions.

Which pleading is filed by a defendant?


What’s the difference between a motion and a petition?

A motion is a request to a court for a desired ruling. A petition is a formal application in writing made to a court or other official body requesting judicial action of some character.

What is a motion and affidavit?

A motion is a short statement not under oath asking the court to grant the relief wanted and citing the legal authority that allow the court to take such action. The affidavit is a sworn statement that sets forth the facts that support your motion.

What is the meaning of notice of motion?

A formal notice to participants in litigation of an intent to seek specific relief in an action. The notice of motion is written in the form of a request to the court to order something; often interlocutory relief. Literally, it is a notice of a request to be made of the court.

How do you write a notice of motion?

The Notice of Motion usually begins with the caption that includes the court of jurisdiction, the docket number, and below the docket number, “Notice of Motion.” It is usual to then write, “Please take Notice that the undersigned will bring a motion for (what you are asking the court for or to do).” Read the Local …

What does it mean when a lawyer files a motion?

A motion, in its simplest form is a list of requests that you are asking the Court grant on your behalf. You, or your attorney on your behalf, will file a Notice of Motion which includes a list of requests for the court to rule upon.