Can a military member get 50 50 custody?

Can a military member get 50 50 custody?

If both parents are in the military then the plan should state where the child will live if both parents are deployed or sent on assignment. You can give sole legal custody to the person who has physical custody of the child or you can share joint legal custody with that person.

How soon can I join the military after having a baby?

In the Marine Corps, one must give up legal custody (by court order) of their child(ren), and then wait one year or more before being eligible for enlistment. For Navy enlistments, the waiting period is six months and the court order must make it very plain that the transfer of custody is permanent.

Will I lose custody if I join the military?

In theory, this means your military status shouldn’t negatively affect your child custody case. However, some military service members still worry that a judge will view them as less suitable primary caretakers for children because the possibility of relocation and deployment always hovers over their lives.

Which military branch is best for single moms?

While women fit right into any branch, mothers may be most comfortable in the National Guard or Reserves.Fly for the Air Force Reserve. Serve Domestically in the National Guard. Sail With the Navy Reserve. Other Opportunities in the Reserves.

Does military pay increase when you have a child?

The military does not pay people more money because they have dependents. There is no increase in pay for getting married, or for having children. Base pay is base pay, period. In most cases, BAH is paid for the location where the service member is stationed.

Can CPS spy on you?

You can sue CPS in their Official and Individual Capacity. They do spy on you. Whoever said they don’t has not been in a BenchMark Meeting where the Caseworker said she found your Facebook Post in a Group. Another thing they do to Parents is Predictive Negligence at every 45 day Benchmark Meeting before the court date.

Can you refuse to let CPS in your house?

DO NOT LET CPS INTO YOUR HOME CPS has absolutely no right to enter your home unless they have a warrant signed by a judge. The only reason a worker can enter your home without a warrant and without your permission is if they are accompanied by a law enforcement officer.