Can temporary orders be changed?

Can temporary orders be changed?

Temporary orders are possible to modify, though the specific standards for modification will vary by state. Some may require a significant “change in circumstances” to request a change, while others may have lower “for good cause” standards, which simply require coming up with a valid reason.

Can the victim violate no contact order?

A no contact order violation by a victim is not a violation of a court order. A defendant that responds to unwanted communication from a victim can be charged with breaching the no contact order, whether he/ she responds to the communication directly or indirectly.

What to expect in a temporary orders hearing?

Typically, a temporary orders hearing will be handled in one of two ways, either by calling witnesses (including the parties) to the stand and asking them questions aimed at eliciting direct testimony from them (referred to as an “evidentiary hearing”) or by your attorney offering summaries of what witnesses would say.

What does minute order mean in court?

A Minute Order is a legal document which is recorded in the minutes of a court session rather than in formal court order format. A minute order comes about when a trial judge sits officially, with or without a court reporter, and a clerk keeps minutes of the court session.

What is a full and frank financial disclosure?

If you have separated or have started a divorce, you may have heard the term “full and frank disclosure” from your Solicitor. It will assist your Solicitor in advising you as to what is a fair financial settlement if all of the information (from both parties) is disclosed.

Do you have to show credit card statements in divorce?

But to answer your question, NO, there is no absolute requirement that you include copies of your bank statements, but if there is a contested issue that involves financial information, then you may have to turn them over, either through formal discovery requests made by your spouse or by court order.

Can my ex wife subpoena my bank records?

If bank accounts are in your spouse’s name alone, or he or she has separate business bank accounts, your attorney can subpoena bank records. However, the information is relevant in a divorce case, and the court in most cases will order the bank comply with your request.

Are safe deposit boxes discoverable in divorce?

You may be someone who keeps valuables in safe deposit box, a secure, fireproof storage area inside a bank. When you get a divorce, the items in the box may become important. If you jointly own the box with your spouse you can each access it and remove anything at any time.

Can you hide money in a safe deposit box?

There are also some things that can not legally be stored in a safety deposit box. For instance, drugs (both legal and illicit), firearms, and explosives are all prohibited items. While it’s true that keeping cash in a safe deposit box is not illegal, many banks have adopted policies that forbid the practice outright.

Can you subpoena safe deposit box?

The Internal Revenue Service can seek a court order to open a safe deposit box, and can use the order to obtain specified things within the box. Similarly, a criminal prosecution could result in a court order to open the box. Court orders, like warrants, must be specific.

Does Chase have safety deposit boxes?

Does Chase offer safety deposit boxes? Yes, you can lease a Chase safety deposit boxes for an annual fee. You will need to have a Chase bank account (like a checking) or be partnered with someone who does and the fee for the safety deposit box will likely be taken out of that account.