Can you sue ex fiance?

Can you sue ex fiance?

In short, yes you can anyone for almost anything if you have the money to pay a lawyer who will take your case, but that doesn’t mean you will win. In most situations, you don’t have a great chance wining a lawsuit against your ex unless you have sustained some type of economic damages or emotional injuries.

Can I sue my ex fiance for wedding costs?

The easy answer is yes, she can sue you. Whether she will prevail depends on the facts and circumstances and whether she can prove her allegations. If you are not inclined to discuss her settlement offer, I suggest you speak with an…

Can my girlfriend Sue me for money?

As pointed out, anyone can sue for any reason, but that doesn’t mean a win. On oral promise or contract can be enforced it is a valid agreement.

Can I sue my ex girlfriend for rent?

Yes, you should be able to sue him for the rent he owed; for any amounts he owed on other bills; and also for the cost of replacing keys, remote, etc. If he didn’t pay them, he could be sued for the money.

Can someone sue me for money they gave me?

Anyone can file suit. However, not all claims are viable. In the absence of a written agreement to repay, coupled with your claim that you are in possession of a writing indicating the monies were a gift, he will have a significant hurdle to sue you…

Is it OK to ask your ex for money?

Avoid asking for money. If you must you should also agree to specific terms to pay your ex back. Make sure you are comfortable with the terms and pay your ex back in the time agreed or sooner. Asking for money can ruin the cordial relationship you have with your ex.

Is it OK to ask your ex what went wrong?

It’s OK if the conversation is daunting, damning, or just extremely uncomfortable for you. You’ll hopefully gain a lot of insight from it, and if you’re willing to really reflect and improve on what you learn, you and your future relationships will be all the better thanks to it.

How do you know if ex is over you?

These Are The Signs Your Ex Is Over You: He wants everything back. He’s cold or mean when you talk to him. He goes silent. He unfriended/blocked you on social media.