How can you find out why someone died?

How can you find out why someone died?

Go to the court house of the county where the person resided (or maybe died) and explain to the clerk who you need death certificate for, where they resided or died, and the date of their death. You may have to pay a nominal fee. They will most likely direct you to their computer data base.

How do I find old pictures of my house?

The Top 10 Places to Find Old Photos of Your HouseYour Local Historical Society. Images of America books. Neighbors. Former Owners. The Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) Local History Books. Local Library History Room. Old Newspapers.

How do you find out what was on your land before your house?

You can research the history of a property by looking at the register of deeds for the county to trace ownership. You can also check the local zoning and planning office, the local inspections office, local historical societies and old journals and newspapers to piece together the property’s past.

How do I find a picture of my house?

Using Google Maps, you can enter an address, and view a satellite picture of that address.Go to the Google home page ( the address you want to find into the search box. Find the address in link format, with “” below, on the search results page.Click on the address link.

How do I find my ancestors pictures?

10 Free Historical Photo Sites for Finding Your AncestorsAncestor Search – Photo Search Engine. Ellis Island Passenger Ship Search. Family Old Photos. The Francis Frith Collection. Images of England. Library of Congress Historic Photos Flickr Project. Military History Institute Photographs. The National Archives and Records Administration.

How can I find out who my ancestors are?

Get to Know Your Family Tree.Take a Look. Go to and sign in. View your tree in portrait view (pictured). Add More. If you have less than 3 generations, go to to fill things in.Search and Link. Click on an ancestor’s name in the Family Tree, then on Person.

How can I find old pictures of me online?

To find pictures of me on the internet:Browse to Google.Type “me”Click Search.Click “images” option.Browse the images, eg:

What things can we learn from our ancestors?

13 Things We Need to Learn From Our AncestorsThe Little Things Matter. I remember one of my great grandmothers telling me a story about how my great grandfather brought home some honey comb one day. Make Everything Last as Long as You Can. My grandfather used to tell all of us kids that we should be thankful for everything we had. Never Be Wasteful.

How do our ancestors influence us?

Learning From Our Ancestors As their culture was carried down from generation to generation, it directly influenced the ways in which we were raised and developed. Our ancestry impacted so many things, from where we were born and raised, to how we were raised, habits and personalities we have now, and so on.

Why are ancestors important?

Learning the history of our ancestors helps us gain a greater understanding of the challenges they faced, and it often inspires greater love and compassion for their flaws and mistakes. This compassion can easily translate to our relationships with the living, within our families and outside them.