Is there an advantage to who files for divorce first?

Is there an advantage to who files for divorce first?

One of the main legal advantages that a person gains by filing the divorce petition before his or her spouse does is that the filer can request a Standing Order from the court when filing the petition. If the matter should go to a hearing, the person who files the petition usually presents his or her case first.

What should you not do before filing for divorce?

Here are the top 10 tips on what to avoid when filing for divorce.Don’t Get Pregnant. Don’t Forget to Change Your Will. Don’t Dismiss the Possibility of Collaborative Divorce or Mediation. Don’t Sleep With Your Lawyer. Don’t Take It out on the Kids. Don’t Refuse to See a Therapist. Don’t Wait Until After the Holidays.

Can a spouse take everything in a divorce?

The unfortunate reality is that he/she may certainly try to take everything, or at least an unfair share. The rule is that the community property must be divided 50/50, according to “no fault” principles. Each spouse has a fiduciary duty to disclose all assets (and income, expenses and debts).

How do I protect myself financially before divorce?

Here are eight ways to protect your assets during the difficult experience of going through a divorce:Legally establish the separation. Get a copy of your credit report and monitor activity. Separate debt. Move half of joint bank balances to a separate account. Comb through your assets. Conduct a cash flow analysis.