What if affidavit is not notarized?

What if affidavit is not notarized?

No, an Affidavit given on the requisite value of the stamp papers is not a valid document. Affidavits shall be sworn before the officers referred to in section 139 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.

Who can identify an affidavit?

A person who makes an affidavit is called a Deponent or an Affiant. The person who has authority to attest a certificate may be a Magistrate who may in turn be either a Judicial or an Executive Magistrate, a Notary Public or a Commissioner of Oaths depending upon the affidavit which needs to be attested.

What is the difference between affidavit and statutory declaration?

What is the difference between a statutory declaration and an affidavit? An affidavit is a document which is used to give evidence in court proceedings. A statutory declaration is a document which is used to give evidence in most other circumstances.

Can I write my own statutory declaration?

Section 2 of a statutory declaration is where you write your statement. You can type your statement, or use a pen. You should not use a pencil because information could be erased.

What must a JP do before witnessing an affidavit?

Before witnessing any statutory declaration, you must be satisfied that the declarant understands the purpose, effect and contents of the statutory declaration.

How much does it cost to get a statutory declaration signed?

We charge £10 to administer oaths, take affidavits and statutory declarations. You must attend our office with your photo ID i.e. driving licence or passport.

Do I need a solicitor to make a statutory declaration?

A statutory declaration is a formal statement made affirming that something is true to the best knowledge of the person making the declaration. It has to be signed in the presence of a solicitor, commissioner for oaths or notary public.

How much does it cost for a solicitor to witness a signature?

If the paperwork is prepared by your solicitor and ready for a signature, make it clear it is just to witness the document. In that case there will be a small charge for this, around £10 – £20 usually. I’d ring a few local firms to compare what they charge, then choose one and make an appointment.

Can any solicitor sign a statutory declaration?

Not anyone can witness a statutory declaration. If we draft the Statutory Declaration we will advise you to have your signature witnessed by another solicitor or commissioner of oaths in order to ensure that the document is valid and cannot be challenged on grounds of impartially.

Can a solicitor swear a statutory declaration?

The solicitor cannot provide any legal advice or offer any opinion in relation to the document you are signing. The solicitors will only administer the oath, statutory declaration or certify your document. No advice will be given.

Can a non Practising solicitor witness a statutory declaration?

Unless a document needs to be witnessed by a practising solicitor, you do not need a practising certificate either to witness. If you are unsure, you should check the position with the party who will be receiving the stat dec.

Is a statutory declaration a legally binding document?

A statutory declaration is a legal document which permits the making of a binding statement of fact without recourse to an oath or affidavit. The Oaths Act 1900 (NSW) regulates the use of statutory declarations in New South Wales.

Can a JP sign without a stamp?

Yes, many JPs purchase a stamp for themselves, to save time handwriting certain information, such as their full name and JP registration number. However you must never use a stamp to place your signature on a document. There is no obligation for a JP to purchase or use any stamp when performing JP functions.

Who can witness a stat declaration?

A statutory declaration is a written statement which a person swears, affirms or declares to be true in the presence of an authorised witness – usually a Justice of the Peace, a lawyer or a notary public. A NSW statutory declaration is made under the Oaths Act 1900.

What happens if you lie on a stat dec?

Making a false statutory declaration is a criminal offence and can have long-term impacts on your life. Going to court for lying in a statutory declaration can be a stressful and expensive experience. It is punishable by up to five years in prison, according to the NSW Oaths Act.

How long is a statutory declaration valid for?

This section provides that a statutory declaration made in accordance with the Statutory Declarations Regulations 1993 either before, or during the six-month period starting on the day this Instrument commences, remains valid and effective under the Statutory Declarations Regulations 2018.

What is false declaration?

false declaration means giving incorrect information on the value of a currency or bearer negotiable instruments being physically transferred across the border, or giving other incorrect related information required to be declared or provided through any other another means by the customs authorities.

What should a JP do if they are unsure if a document is a true and accurate copy?

Another common function of a JP is to certify a copy of an original document, if satisfied that it is a true and accurate copy of the original. A certified copy may sometimes be accepted, instead of the original document, by an organisation that wishes to rely on information contained in the original.

What should a JP do if they move interstate permanently?

If you move interstate or overseas permanently, you should resign your appointment as a JP in NSW. This is because you are not authorised to act as a NSW JP while you are in another state, territory or country.