What is considered an overnight guest?

What is considered an overnight guest?

2 attorney answers Ordinarily, an “overnight guest” is defined as someone not related by blood or marriage to the person subject to the clause & who stays at the person’s residence over the course of the night (normally it is construed as someone who may…

Can adultery cause you to lose custody?

As one attorney explains, adultery is unlikely to affect a custody determination so long as the wayward spouse has not carried on the relationship in front of the children or exposed them to inappropriate people or situations during the course of the affair.

How can I find out who called CPS on me?

CPS reports are confidential and there is no legal way to find out who made the complaint.

What is lack of parenting?

Uninvolved parenting, sometimes referred to as neglectful parenting, is a style characterized by a lack of responsiveness to a child’s needs. Uninvolved parents make few to no demands of their children and they are often indifferent, dismissive, or even completely neglectful.

What age is hardest to parent?

Parents Say Age 8 Is the Most Difficult to Parent, According to Poll | Parents.

What is indulgent parenting?

Indulgent parenting, also called permissive, non-directive, lenient or libertarian, is characterized as having few behavioral expectations for the child. “Indulgent parenting is a style of parenting in which parents are very involved with their children but place few demands or controls on them”.