Are parents legally responsible to pay for college?

Are parents legally responsible to pay for college?

Are parents legally obligated to pay for college? That means parents have no legal obligation to pay for their child’s college education with one exception. If the parents are divorced and the divorce agreement includes paying college costs, one or both parents are legally obligated to pay for college.

Does child support continue through college in Tennessee?

Yes, Tennessee child support could continue into college. But only if the parties agree, the child is under 18 years of age, or if the adult child is disabled or severely disabled. Otherwise, the court cannot award support past the age of majority (18) and high school graduation.

How do you prove malicious mother syndrome?

If a lie gets heard often enough, it may seem to become truth, especially to a child. To get back at the other parent, the alienator may distort facts to align with their feelings. Interfering with visitation and custody arrangements by fabricating excuses is another telltale sign of malicious mother syndrome.

Can I sue my ex for parental alienation?

However, in extreme cases, a parent who has been alienated from his children by the other parent may bring a civil action for damages against that parent if the claims of alienation include false accusations of sexual abuse or otherwise lying to a child about one of their parents.

What is it called when a parent keeps a child from the other parent?

Parental Alienation Syndrome is the deliberate attempt by one parent to distance his/her children from the other parent. The motivation is to destroy the parental bond between his/her children with the other parent. An attempt to alienate a child from a parent is done for many reasons.

What is a malicious mother?

When this syndrome occurs, a divorced or divorcing parent seeks to punish the other parent, sometimes going far enough as to harm or deprive their children in order to make the other parent look bad. Though most commonly called malicious mother syndrome, both mothers and fathers can be capable of such actions.