Can divorce be filed in another state in India?

Can divorce be filed in another state in India?

Yes, you can file the petition for Divorce in the place you are residing. After the amendment in the Act in 2002, the wife can present the petition for divorce in any of the following jurisdictions: Wife can also file a case from the place where she is residing after leaving matrimonial home.

Is it bad for dogs to go back and forth between houses?

It’s more than fine for a dog to have 2 homes. However, if your dog is just going back and forth between 2 homes, and if the people in those homes stays the same, he will just think of both those places as home. Just try to keep the other stuff consistent, like food and exercise routine.

Can a dog live between 2 homes?

In an ideal world, living between two homes is something that all dogs would be able to do. This is not an ideal world, however, which is why some pooches may not be able to withstand the strain and stress that can be associated with living between two homes, while others can.

Is sharing a dog a good idea?

They get the joy, and well-documented, mood-lifting, stress-relieving benefits of spending time with a dog. Dog sharing can also provide your dog with a known, trusted temporary “family” and “home” during times when you have to be away for a few days or longer.