Can I lose custody of my child for cheating?

Can I lose custody of my child for cheating?

Though cheating on a spouse carries a stigma, the court does not consider an unfaithful partner as a bad parent. As long as the spouse does not carry on the extramarital affair in front of the children or introduce them to inappropriate people, the court will likely not consider custody based on the affair.

Can you lose custody if you cheat?

Your spouse cheated on you. As one attorney explains, adultery is “unlikely to affect a custody determination so long as the wayward spouse has not carried on the relationship in front of the children or exposed them to inappropriate people or situations during the course of the affair.”

Can I go to jail for sleeping with a married woman?

It is illegal as hell… in some states in the US. Adultery is illegal in 21 states and the heaviest penalty is a few years in jail. As far as sleeping with a married woman: Utah, south Carolina, Alabama, and Virginia have specific laws against sleeping with a married woman.