Does infidelity matter in a divorce settlement?

Does infidelity matter in a divorce settlement?

Some courts take the view that adultery is a completely separate issue from finances, and an affair, so long as it didn’t substantially deplete the marital assets, shouldn’t affect property division. Other judges will punish the cheating spouse with a substantial reduction in assets received in the divorce.

What states consider adultery in divorce?

Adultery laws, which make sexual acts illegal if at least one of the parties is married to someone else: Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin.

Can text messages prove adultery?

In most cases, phone records are protected by privacy laws (depending on the state in which you live), so they often cannot be used as proof of adultery in a court of law anyway. Even if you find a text message saying, “Let’s meet at 8 PM” along with some dirty talk, that doesn’t conclusively prove adultery.

Should you get a divorce if your wife cheats?

Only you can make the decision to divorce or work things out with your spouse after he or she has so callously and cruelly disregarded your feelings. However, you have to make the decision logically (and keep the “big picture” in mind, all the time… even when it’s tough).

What are forms of adultery?

The two types of adultery Let’s look at the dictionary definition of adultery: “voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her lawful spouse.” In fact, there are two types: single adultery (with an unmarried person) and double adultery (with a married person.)

How long does a divorce take for adultery?

To use Adultery to obtain a divorce you must; File for divorce within six months of finding out about the adultery taking place. It must be the adultery of your partner, not based on your actions. Your husband or wife must have had sexual intercourse with someone of the opposite sex.

Should I admit to adultery in divorce?

You will get less money in the divorce if you admit to committing adultery. The procedural aspects of divorce and the financial aspects are completely separate. Although you must give an acceptable reason for your divorce to be successful procedurally, it rarely affects the outcome of the financial settlement.