How is the amount of child support determined in Tennessee?

How is the amount of child support determined in Tennessee?

The Guidelines are based on an Income Shares model that establishes the dollar amount of child support obligations based on the amount of parents’ combined adjusted gross income and the number of children for whom the child support order is being established or modified.

What are the child support laws in Tennessee?

Under Tennessee law, both parents are equally and jointly responsible for their minor child’s care, nurture, welfare, education and support. Furthermore, the duty to support a biological or legally adopted son or daughter continues until that child’s eighteenth birthday, or until the child’s high school class …

At what age can a child choose which parent to live with in TN?

In Tennessee, according to Tenn. Code Ann. § 36-6-106, there are several factors which a family court judge must take into consideration when they are deciding child custody. Section 13 of the General Custody Provisions allows for “The reasonable preference of the child if twelve (12) years of age or older.

Do you have to pay child support if you have 50/50 custody in PA?

In the event of a 50/50 custody schedule, child support in Pennsylvania is payable to the parent with the lower income by the parent with the higher income.

What is the minimum child support in PA?

Under the child support guidelines, the monthly support obligation for their 2 children is $1,729. It’s important to note that Pennsylvania’s child support guidelines do not apply to certain situations: The parents’ combined monthly net income exceeds $30,000. (See Rule 1910.16-3.1 which applies in high income cases)

Is PA child support based on household income?

Child support is determined by a formula in Pennsylvania. Support generally is based upon determinable factors, such as: each party’s income or earning capacity, contributions to care, payment for health insurance, and the amount of overnights the child(ten) spend with a parent.