What do you say when someone announces a divorce?

What do you say when someone announces a divorce?

18 things to say when someone’s separated or getting divorcedI’m so sorry to hear that. Whatever you’re feeling is perfectly okay*. I’ve been there. Have you got people you can talk to? I can recommend a counsellor if you’d like one, although I know it’s not for everyone. Here, have some food. How’s work? Have you watched this boxset?

What not to say to someone who is going through a divorce?

Don’t Say – “I know just how you feel.” It almost always comes from a good place, a place of empathy and wanting to let the person know that they’re not alone. Yet we never understand exactly how somebody else is feeling.

What to say to someone who has split up with husband?

Here are nine things to text a friend who’s having a hard time getting over a breakup.”I Love You” “Pack Your Gym Bag. “Let’s Try To Stay Off Social Media, OK?” “Just Wanted You To Know That I’m Thinking About You” “Things Might Suck Right Now, But Everything Is Going To Be OK” “Anything You Want To Do, Let’s Do It”

How do I support my partner through divorce?

TipsAvoid major arguments that involve complaints about his previous marriage. Do not nag. Don’t stay with him just because you feel sorry for him––many people go through divorces. Be patient with him. Keep him interested in you, that way he isn’t moping around about his failed marriage.