Why would a judge not grant 50/50 custody?

Why would a judge not grant 50/50 custody?

With 50/50 physical custody, each parent spends an equal amount of time with the child. Since this arrangement requires a lot of cooperation between parents, judges won’t approve it unless they believe it will work and is in the child’s best interest.

What makes a father unfit in the eyes of the court?

Some factors that a court may use to determine a person’s fitness as a parent include: A history of child abuse. Any court will look unfavorably on a parent with a history of abusing his or her children. It is very difficult to overcome any type of child abuse charges when it comes to custody proceedings.

What should you not say in mediation?

Avoid saying alienating things, and say difficult things in the least alienating way possible. Set ground rules to avoid attacking openings. Remember that avoiding saying unwelcome things, by having the mediator say them, merely transfers the other party’s resentment from counsel to the mediator.

How long does mediation take for child custody?

Each mediation session can run for a shorter period, such as around three hours, or even a full day. In some cases, it can take a number of sessions to resolve some of the more significant issues. This is obviously expedited if both parties come prepared and willing to compromise.

What do you say in child custody mediation?

Be willing to compromise on your plan and schedule. Bring multiple plan and schedule ideas to discuss. Write down concerns and issues you want to discuss at mediation. Bring documents like work schedules and your child’s school schedule.

How can a mother win a child custody case?

Here is a brief overview of the things that will improve your chances of winning custody.

  1. Work With Your Ex.
  2. Exercise Your Parental Rights.
  3. Request In-Home Custody Evaluation.
  4. Recognize Perception Is Everything.
  5. Learn About Family Law.
  6. Keep Documentation.
  7. Find an Experienced Child Custody Lawyer.
  8. Talk Negatively About Your Ex.

What do I do if my ex refuses mediation?

The mediator will usually want to see each of you on your own before any joint mediation sessions can take place. If you don’t respond or decline mediation without a good reason, you will usually have to explain why you declined mediation to the judge, if your case subsequently goes to court.

What happens if you can’t agree in mediation?

If you dont agree at mediation the case will eventually be set for a Final Hearing/trial. You both will have an opportunity to present any testimony and evidence to the Court. The Judge or General Magistrate will then make a ruling.

What happens if other party refuses mediation?

A party who refuses to accept an invitation to mediate, without very good reason, does so at considerable risk and can expect sharp criticism and a costs penalty from the court, regardless of the eventual outcome of the case at trial.

Can a party be forced to mediate a dispute?

So as a starting point, it is important to remember that the courts cannot2 compel a party to mediate. However, there is no doubt that the current judicial climate is such that, whilst parties cannot be forced to settle their disputes by means of ADR, they are strongly encouraged to attempt to do so.

Can you say no to mediation?

Are there times you should say —No“ in mediation? Absolutely. The difficulty for most practitioners is that they say —No“ to mediation, rather than saying —No“ to a specific proposal made during a mediation.