Can a 15 year old decide which parent to live with in Texas?

Can a 15 year old decide which parent to live with in Texas?

Although children cannot officially decide which parent they want to live with until they are 18 years old, Texas law does allow children that are 12 or older to have a say in where they’d like to live, but ultimately a judge will make the final decision.

What happens if I don’t pay child support in Florida?

You should not just stop paying. You can have your driver’s license suspended, your tax refund taken, late payments reported to credit agencies, and your pay garnished (money can be taken out of your paycheck directly from your employer).

Can child support be waived in Florida?

Under Florida law, a parent cannot waive child support. Technically, child support is owed to the child and the parent does not have the ability to waive it. Further, judges may not complete a custody or divorce case unless child support is addressed.

How does Florida enforce child support?

In 1999, federal law required the State of Florida to collect child support through a state disbursement unit (SDU). All payments are mailed to the State Disbursement Unit and are rapidly disbursed.