Can a domestic violence charge be expunged in Texas?

Can a domestic violence charge be expunged in Texas?

No. Texas law specifically states that deferred adjudication cases involving family violence cannot be expunged or sealed. The case, arrest, and all records will remain on your permanent record even though the case did not result in a formal conviction.

Can an ex felon own a crossbow?

Due to the strict laws on felons and firearm ownership, one might assume that a convicted felon would also be prohibited from owning a crossbow. However, since crossbows don’t fall under the firearm umbrella, they are federally legal for felons to possess after leaving prison.

Can felons have air rifles?

Can felons own air rifles such as bb guns? Laws vary from state to state and in some states felons cannot own these types of weapons. According to Nebraska State Statutes, yes they can.

Can felons shoot guns at a range?

A felon can go to a firing range; however, simply being at the firing range where firearms are present can be cause for arrest for violating the Federal Firearms Act. Just because a felon does not own a gun can still mean being in possession of it.