Can ex wife stay on health insurance?

Can ex wife stay on health insurance?

Leaving Your Ex-Partners Health Cover However the majority of the health funds restrict this to 30. So, if you’re going to continue having health cover after you split, make sure you take up a new policy within 30 days if you leave your ex’s plan.

How can I sell my house if my partner refuses?

One way of going about selling your house when one partner refuses is to come to an agreement to release your responsibility of the mortgage and have your ex buy out your share of the property. If neither of you can come to an agreement, however, you can also choose to settle the matter in court.

Can you force someone to leave your house?

If police are called, they will assess the situation but if there are no concerns for safety or breach of orders, then police cannot force you to leave. The only way that you can be forced to leave your home is by a court order for ‘exclusive occupancy’.

How do you kick someone out of your house who doesn’t pay rent?

A non-payment termination notice must be in writing, signed by the landlord/agent and set out:the address of the premises.the day by which the landlord/agent wants you to.vacate – they must give you at least 14 days’ notice.the ground for the notice: non-payment of rent, water usage charges or utility charges.