Can Facebook be used in divorce court?

Can Facebook be used in divorce court?

Without thinking, many people have given clues about their infidelity, habits, assets, and lifestyle on their Facebook profile. This can be in the form of public postings, chats, and most frequently through photos. Online activities can then be used as evidence during a divorce or custody battle.

Should I delete Facebook during divorce?

The best practice if you are involved in a divorce, paternity action or other family law matter is to deactivate your social media account prior to it becoming an issue in your divorce. Parties to family law cases are best served by not reactivating such accounts until their case has been resolved.

What is the process of discovery?

This is the formal process of exchanging information between the parties about the witnesses and evidence they’ll present at trial. Discovery enables the parties to know before the trial begins what evidence may be presented. One of the most common methods of discovery is to take depositions.