Can I get a restraining order on my ex wife?

Can I get a restraining order on my ex wife?

Your former wife would need to file a Request For Civil Harassment Restraining Order(s) in which she would need to prove by clear and convincing evidence that your current woman puts your former wife in imminent harm and in imminent danger…

How much does it cost to put a restraining order on someone in Texas?

Nothing, a protective order is free. You cannot be charged a fee for filing, serving, entering a protective order, or for getting additional certified copies of the order.

How do you stop a family member from harassing you?

If these actions don’t have an effect on harassment, legal steps against the person is an option that many people choose.

  1. Ask your family member to stop.
  2. Document contact with your family member.
  3. Call your phone company and place a trap on your phone line.
  4. Set up a mediation session.
  5. File a police report.

Can text messages be harassment?

Harassment consists of any unwanted or repeated conduct, which includes harassing text messages. In fact, the text messages or other unwanted communications do not have to be specifically threatening in any way to constitute harassment. So long as the contact is unwanted, the text messages qualify as harassment.

Can I get a restraining order because of text messages?

yes she can, depending on how mean they have been and whether or not there are threats in the messages. Michael Schwerin, San Jose, California phone: email: Consultation fees, rates and retainers vary based on need and ability to pay.

When should you stop texting someone?

12 Signs You Really Need To Stop Texting Him

  1. You send 3+ texts to every one he sends you.
  2. He takes hours to text you back.
  3. He doesn’t text you back.
  4. He avoids you in public.
  5. He has a myriad of excuses to turn down your (many) attempts to get him to hang out.
  6. He’s subtweeting.
  7. His friends know about you.
  8. He’s not responding to even your sexiest of sexts.

Is it illegal to read peoples text messages?

The common rule is that it is illegal to spy on text messages because it violates a person’s privacy. By spying, it’s meant unauthorized surveillance over one’s mobile device without their consent. On the other hand, there are circumstances under which one person can track text messages from one cell phone of another.

Can you go to jail for looking through someone’s phone?

Under Federal law, you are not permitted to view, read or listen to any communication on someone else’s phone or electronic device. There is case law where spouses have actually been charged criminally when snooping through a spouse’s phone for proof of an affair.