Can I move out of state if there is no custody agreement?

Can I move out of state if there is no custody agreement?

If you have never been married to the father and there is no court order about custody, then you can move out and take your child with you. It is legal to do that. You do not need court permission to move out with your child. This is a time when the father of your child might take you to court.

Does it matter what state you get divorced in?

In theory, you and your spouse may divorce in either state in which one of you resides. The majority of states require that a spouse reside in the state before filing for divorce in that state. Proof of residency may be required, and some states require six months of residency, while others require a year.

What states still have alimony?

As of 2018, the states that may still grant permanent alimony are New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, North Carolina, West Virginia, Florida, and Oregon.

Which states have lifetime alimony?

States that still have permanent alimony are New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, North Carolina, West Virginia, Florida, and Oregon. In some of these states, bills and motions have been presented to end the practice of permanent alimony—in favor of modifications in rehabilitative, temporary, or reimbursement alimony.