Can I use adultery as grounds for divorce?

Can I use adultery as grounds for divorce?

The only ground for divorce is referred to as an ‘irretrievable breakdown of marriage’, which must be evidenced by a separation period of no less than 12 months. This means infidelity plays no part in whether there are sufficient grounds to obtain a divorce.

What happens if my wife commits adultery?

Your spouse’s infidelity can be considered by the Court when making decisions at the end of your marriage. You should consult an family attorney. In this case, your spouse’s adultery may result in he or she paying more alimony. Your spouse’s adultery can only affect the divorce so much, however.

Can a cheating spouse get custody?

Though cheating on a spouse carries a stigma, the court does not consider an unfaithful partner as a bad parent. As long as the spouse does not carry on the extramarital affair in front of the children or introduce them to inappropriate people, the court will likely not consider custody based on the affair.

Is kissing considered infidelity?

Every couple defines infidelity in their own way, whether that constitutes emotional attachment to someone outside of the relationship or physical interaction. 44.1 percent said it depends on the type of kiss and how intimate it was. 24.3 percent said kissing isn’t cheating at all, so kiss away.