Can you keep ex wife on health insurance?

Can you keep ex wife on health insurance?

Leaving Your Ex-Partners Health Cover However the majority of the health funds restrict this to 30. So, if you’re going to continue having health cover after you split, make sure you take up a new policy within 30 days if you leave your ex’s plan.

Is it better to legally separate or divorce?

A legal separation would mean one spouse may still be eligible for health insurance coverage from the other spouse’s job, whereas a divorce would end this coverage. A legal separation also allows you and your spouse to continue filing taxes jointly, which can lead to some tax benefits.

What happens if you separate but never divorce?

A court orders a legal separation between a couple, mandating the rights of each spouse during the separation even though they are still legally married. However, the court does not dissolve the marriage as it does so in a divorce. A nonlegal separation occurs when the couple decides to live apart.