Do both parties have to appear in court for divorce in Texas?

Do both parties have to appear in court for divorce in Texas?

Your uncontested case is ‘agreed’ if you and your spouse agree on what to put in your Decree of Divorce, your spouse has signed a waiver or answer, and your spouse is willing to sign your Decree of Divorce. There is no formal trial, and you probably won’t have to ever appear in court.

What do you do if your spouse refuses to move out?

You or your spouse must also have the intention to move out when the circumstances permit. If your spouse will not leave the matrimonial home, you may apply to the Court of Queen’s Bench for an Exclusive Home Possession Order. Until there is such as Order, both of you have the right to live in the home.

Can I buy my ex out of the house?

To buy someone out of their share of a property, you have to work out their share of the equity. Typically this involved four steps: Get the house valued (the lender will do this, usually for a small fee). Ask your current lender for a redemption certificate to find out how much is left to pay on the mortgage.

How do you sell a house if one partner refuses?

If Your Partner Refuses Permission If you want to sell and your partner doesn’t (or vice versa), one person can begin an action of division and sale in court. However, the other party can petition the court to a division of the proceeds, or to buy the place at a market price or one decided by the court.

Can I make my ex pay half the mortgage?

Yes, your ex will have to pay half of the mortgage if they are listed on the mortgage as you will be both equally liable to the mortgage lender and in the case of the mortgage being defaulted then the mortgage lender will come after the both of you for the mortgage balance plus any costs.