Do I have to pay child support if my child goes to college in Texas?

Do I have to pay child support if my child goes to college in Texas?

In Texas, child support payments must continue until a child is emancipated. When a child goes to college, parents may negotiate the continuing payments of child support until the child graduates. Child support does not typically extend beyond the age of 21.

Does getting married affect child support in Florida?

Will Either Parent’s Remarriage Impact a Child Support Order? A parent’s remarriage, by itself, doesn’t affect that parent’s obligation to financially support a minor child. On the other hand, courts won’t increase a non-custodial parent’s child support payment regardless of how much that parent’s new spouse earns.

How long can you go without paying child support in Florida?

The Florida statutes contain a provision that extends child support until your child reaches the age of 19. If your child has not graduated high school by his or her 18th birthday, child support will not end at 18, but instead will continue until graduation.