Do you have to pay child support if you have 50/50 custody in Texas?

Do you have to pay child support if you have 50/50 custody in Texas?

It’s incredibly rare that a 50/50 agreement doesn’t involve child support in Texas because both parents rarely earn the same income. Stay-at-home mom, your child support is set at X amount based on your income. We’re either going to offset, or we’re going to have you pay her and her pay you.

How does child support work in Texas with joint custody?

Joint Custody and Child Support Child support is still paid when parents have joint custody in Texas in most situations. One thing parents should know is that in Texas, we do not have custody. Parents are there to “conserve and protect” their children, not merely possess a child-like an object.

Can you get alimony and child support Texas?

Yes! In Texas spousal support (a/k/a “spousal maintenance” or “contractual alimony”) is additional money, not part of a division of marital property or child support, that one spouse pays to the other temporarily from future income to support the ex-spouse after the divorce.