Does child support change if custodial parent remarries?

Does child support change if custodial parent remarries?

Maintenance payments to you will stop if you remarry or enter a new civil partnership. But he or she could ask you to agree to reduce the amount, or stop payments altogether.

What happens to child support when child turns 18 in Texas?

In Texas, the law generally requires that the non-custodial parent pay child support until the child turns 18, or when he/she graduates high school whichever comes later. Child support is paid due to a court order. To simply stop paying is a violation of that order and can get you into trouble.

Does child support end if child moves out?

Child support is generally available for any child under the age of eighteen. In some circumstances, child support does not have to be paid for a child who is 16 or 17 if they have chosen to move out of the family home and no longer live by their parent’s rules.

Can child support be reduced if non custodial parent remarries?

But any obligation to pay maintenance to the ex-wife will cease if she remarries, or in some cases, cohabits. If a father moves in with a new partner, and the new partner has children from a previous relationship who live with them, he may have to pay less child maintenance to his own children.