Does debt affect alimony?

Does debt affect alimony?

General rule regarding alimony in bankruptcy The general rule is that a debt for a “domestic support obligation” is not dischargeable.

How is alimony calculated Texas?

The cap on court ordered spousal maintenance in Texas is set by statute. The amount of spousal maintenance the judge orders a spouse to pay involuntarily cannot be more than $5000 per month or 20% of the paying spouse’s average monthly gross income, whichever is lower.

How does the court determine spousal support?

Many states use the Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act as a basis in determining spousal support matters. This Act suggests that courts consider such factors as the spouses’ age, physical health, emotional wellbeing and financial condition. The length of the marriage is typically considered with this Act and state laws.

What can a private detective find out about a person?

Private investigators can conduct stakeouts and follow individuals to learn more about their movements and what they might be doing. They can search through various databases online to get information on criminal records, marriages and divorces, mortgage records, and voter’s registrations.

Are asset searches legal?

Asset searches, which may include bank and investment accounts, are not illegal; however, certain actions to obtain this information, such as pre-texting, are illegal. State laws also allow the creditor, after a judgment is obtained, to examine and request asset information from the debtor.

How do I find out if my husband is hiding money?

Second, you should immediately start to be on the lookout for these tell-tale signs that your husband may be hiding assets and/or income:

  1. Bank and other financial statements are no longer being delivered to your home address.
  2. A sudden decrease in salary.
  3. Intentional overpayments.
  4. No new clients.
  5. Defensive behavior.

How can I find out if my spouse has a hidden bank account?

How to find hidden bank accounts

  1. Hire a reputable divorce attorney who is knowledgeable about finding hidden assets.
  2. With the help of an attorney, you can subpoena many valuable records, including employment records, bank statements, loan applications and other account records.