How can I know my marriage is love or arranged by date of birth?

How can I know my marriage is love or arranged by date of birth?

You must study the zodiac signs of Pisces, Scorpio, and Gemini while examining your birth chart for any query related to love marriage or arranged marriage. The planets—Mars, Venus, Rahu, Moon, and Mercury—are responsible for creating yogas of love marriage or arranged marriage.

What is Guru Bala for marriage?

When Jupiter aspects the 2nd,7th,9th position in a hororscope,it is said that the Guru bala has started which is an auspicious time for marriage. By analsing the strength of the planet Venus,one can able to tell the appearance,character of the partner. Mars plays an important role in one’s marriage.

Will I have a love marriage or arranged marriage astrology?

Arranged Marriage In Vedic Astrology If Venus will be connected with the Sun or Moon, or benefic planets, so, the marriage will be arranged by the parents. If the lords of the 2nd, 7th & 11th houses are connected with the 4th house or its lord, or 9th house or its lord, the marriage will be arranged by their parents.

How do you know your possibility of love marriage?

If the Main birth chart shows some positive signs of Love and romance in your life, the Navamsa chart should be reviewed to know whether the relationship is in trouble. So in Relation between the 5th and 7th houses in Navamsa is giving a sign of Love Marriage in astrology.

How can I know my love marriage in palmistry?

Influence line merging with the heart line If the line is deep and clear represents the strong and positive influence of the spouse. Lines from the strong influence line found inside the mount of Venus joining the heart line as shown indicates happy love marriage.

Does Saturn give love marriage?

Many a times Chandra Chandaal (Rahu and Moon) in 5th ,7th,9th, lagna aspected by Saturn or Mars too create a tragic kind of love marriage or scandalous evolvement of such relationship. This combination hardly gives love turned arrange marriage. Even in any house gives strong signals of love marriage.

Is there second marriage in my life?

If the 7th lord from Lagna or Moon is in dual sign and conjoined with Venus or the same combination and placement is there in Navamsa, so there will also be two marriages. If Mars is placed in 7th house and Saturn or Rahu is placed in the 8th house of horoscope indicates second marriage in astrology.